Use the protector with caution to eliminate the hidden danger of electricity

Addtime: Resource: Zhengge Electric Clicknum:

When the human body is electrocuted, the larger the current entering the body, the longer the phase current lasts, the more dangerous it is. The degree of danger can be roughly divided into three stages: perception-get-out-ventricular fibrillation.

(1) Perceptual stage. The incoming current is very small, and the human body can feel it (greater than 0.5mA), which does not pose a hazard to people;

(2) Get rid of the stage. Refers to the large current value (greater than 10mA) that a person can get rid of when holding an electric shock in his hand, although this current is dangerous, it can get rid of it by itself, and basically does not constitute a fatal danger. When the current increases to a certain extent, the electrocuted person will have muscle contractions, causing spasms and causing them to grasp the charged body and cannot get rid of it by themselves.

(3) Ventricular fibrillation stage. As the current increases and the duration of the electric shock is prolonged (>50 mA and ls), ventricular fibrillation will occur, and if the power is not disconnected immediately, it will lead to death. It can be seen that ventricular fibrillation is the main cause of electrocution death in the human body. , the protection of people, often do not cause ventricular fibrillation, the basis for determining the protective characteristics of electric shock.

After the electric shock protector is installed, once a leakage fault occurs, the protector will automatically cut off the power supply within 0S through the leakage trip device, so as to protect the safe operation of various household appliances and the personal safety of family members. Installing one or several electric shock protectors next to the meter can effectively prevent the occurrence of electric shock accidents, and also prevent the damage of household appliances caused by the increase in voltage. And it can prevent the wire from heating and short circuit due to excessive load, which can cause home fire accidents.

In order to eliminate the hidden dangers of electricity, the grassroots power supply station should pay attention to the user's indoor line while rectifying the user's household line, and see if the user's home has installed a qualified household residual current action protector and knife switch, and whether the indoor line is in line with the safety of electricity to ensure that they check and fill in the gaps, so as to truly realize the safe use of electricity in rural areas, eliminate the hidden dangers of electricity to the greatest extent, and pay attention to safety.
